Sylvanian Families | Bath Time Bubble Siblings

Thos Holdson


The set includes Christopher the Marshmallow Mouse and baby Edward in the cradle, as well as various bath accessories. The bath accessories include a baby bathtub, floor-standing shower, bath toys and shower caps.

  • Shower caps and bubbles can be placed on the characters’ heads.
  • The lovely bottles and soap are shaped like Marshmallow Mouse characters.
  • Soap can be placed in the shower soap holder and bottles and bath toys can be placed on the rack.
  • The boy and the baby in the cradle are wearing outfits made of soft terry cloth material.
  • Combine with other characters, houses and furniture (sold separately) for even more fun!
  • The boy’s arms, legs and head are movable, and his clothes can be taken off and put back on.
Availability: 1 in stock
