Schleich | Clydesdale Gelding
Modern Brands
Clydesdales are named after the River Clyde that flows through south-west Scotland.
Many Clydesdales can be easily identified from their white legs. This hair is also known as “feathering”. These horses often have a brown coat, but they can also be black, sorrel or roan. Clydesdales are often used as draught horses. For instance, they may haul tree trunks through terrain that is too difficult for tractors to traverse. They are easy to train and keen learners. But they’re also excellent horses for riding. However, because the horses are so big, you need special, extra-large saddles to ride them.
The Schleich company was founded in 1935 as a supplier to the plastic industry. The now famous Schleich figurines first came to life in the 1960’s. Since the 1980’s, Schleich has been crafting animal figurines as well. Now you any your family can enter the fantastic play world on a smaller scale, with animals both wild and domestic, dinosaurs, and knights.
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